فرهنگ واژه های هم وزن در زبان انگلیسی

گرد آوری   گارگین فتائی


Bat             خفاش

Cat             گربه            

Fat             چاق

Hat             کلاه

Mat            حصیر

Pat             نوازش

Rat             موش صحرائی

Sat             گوشه نشینی


back          عقب

Hack          کلنگ دو سر

Jack           جک

Lack          فقدان

Pack          پیچیدن

Rack          طاقچه

Sack          کینه

tack           میخ سر پهن


Bang           بستن

fang           نیش ، دندان ناب

Gang         دسته

Hang         آویزان کردن

Pang         درد سخت

Rang         زمان ماضی فعل ring

Sang          زمان ماشی فعل  sing

Tang        زبانه


Lake          دریاچه

Cake          کیک

Fake          تقلید

Make         ساختن

Sake          منظور ، دلیل

Take          گرفتن

Wake         بیداری


Dane          دانمارکی

Fane          معبد

Lane          کوچه

Mane         بال

Pane          قطعه

Sane          عاقل

vane           بادنما


bell             زنگ

Dell            درهء کوچک و تنگ

fell              انداختن     

pell             طومار پوستی

sell             فروختن

tell              گفتن

well            خوب


Bull            گاو نر

Cull           گلچین کردن

Dull           کند ، راکد

Full            پر

Gull           بلعیدن

Hull           پوست

Lull            آرام کردن

Mull          ژرف اندیشیدن

Null           ملغی

Pull            کشیدن


Bole           خاک رس

Cole           نوعی کلم ، چشم بند

Dole           قسمت ،سهم

Hole           سوراخ ، حفره

Mole          خال سیاه

Pole           قطب

Role           نقش

Sole            کف پا

Tole           حلبی

Vole           موش صحرائی




bight          حلقهء طناب

fight           جنگ

light           نور ، چراغ

might         امکان ، توانائی

night          شب

right          راست ، درست

sight          بینائی ، بینش


an               یک   

ban            قدغن کردن

can             توانستن

fan             بادبزن

man           مرد

Pan            ماهی تابه

Ran            کلاف

tan             دباغی کردن

Van            پیش قدم

wan            رنگ پریده




bill             لایحه ، صورت حساب

Dill             عطر ملایم

fill              پر کردن

gill             جویبار ، نهر کوچک

hill             تپه

kill             کشتن

Mill            آسیاب

Nill             بی میل بودن

Pill             حب ، دارو

Rill             جویبار

Sill             آستانه ، تیرپایه

till              تا ، تا اینکه

will             اراده


bank          بانک

dank          نمناک

Rank         ردیف ، ترتیب

Sank          زمان ماضی فعل sink

Tank         تانک

Thank        تشکر


Ate             خورد ( کامپیوتر)

bate           کم کرئن ، نخفیف دادن

date           تاریخ

fate            سرنوشت

gate            دروازه

hate           نفرت

late             دیر

pate           کله

Rate           نرخ

Sate           سیر کردن


beast          چهارپا

Feast          مهمانی

Least         کمترین


Ball            توپ ، گلوله

call             فراخواندن ، صدا زدن

Fall            خزان ، سقوط

gall             زردآب

hall            سالن

mall           پیاده رو پر درخت

Pall            پارچهء ضخیم روی تابوت

Tallبلند قد ، بلند

wall            دیوار


Bin             آخورک ، صندوق

din             صدای بلند

fin              بره ماهی

gin             ماشین پنبه پاک کنی

kin             خویشاوند

pin             سنجاق

sin              گناه

Tin             قلع ، حلبی

win             بردن ، پیروز شدن


bind           بستن ، ملزم کردن

find            پیدا کردن

hind           گوزن

kind           نوع   

mind          ذهن

rind           پوست

wind          باد


beat           ضربه

feat            کار برجسته ، شاهکار

heat           گرما

meat          گوشت

peat           ذغال سنگ نارس

seat            نیمکت ، صندلی

teat            پستانک



dine           شام خوردن

fine            نیک

Kine           شام خوردن

line             خط

mine          مال من

nine           نُه

Pine           غم و واندوه

Sine           سینوس

tine            ساخ فرعی ، دندانه

vine            تاکستان

wine           شراب


king           شاه

Ping           صدای تیز

ring            حلقه

Sing           آواز

Ting           صدای زنگ

Thing        چیز

Wing         بال


Bit              خرده ، تکه

Fit              بیهوشی ، تشنج

hit              بچه گربه

Kit             بچه گربه

Lit              زمان گذشته فعل light

Pit              چال ، گودال

Sit              نشستن

Wit            هوش


cool            خنک

Fool           ابله

pool           استخر

tool            وسیله ، ابزرا

wool           پشم


best            بهترین

jest             لطیفه

lest             مبادا ، شاید

nest            آشیانه

pest            طاعون

rest             استراحت

test             امتحان ، آزمایش

vest            جلیقه 

west           غرب

Zest            مزه


Bet             شرط

get              به دست آوردن

jet               جت

let               اجازه دادن

met             زمان ماضی فعل  meet

net              تور ، شبکه

pet              نوازش

set              دسته ، دستگاه

wet             خیس

yet              هنوز


book          کتاب

cook           پختن

Hook         قلاب ، چنگک

look           نگریستن

Nook         گوشه

Rook         رخ شترنج

Took          گرفتن


fen              مرداب

hen             مرغ

Ken            نظر

men            مردان

pen             قلم

Ten            دَه


Boot           پوتین

Coot          احمق

foot            پا

Hoot          داد زدن

loot            غارت

moot          بحث ، خطابه

root            ریشه

soot            دوده

Toot           شیپور زدن


bone          استخوان

cone           مخروط

done          انجام داده

gone           رفته

hone          با سنگ ، تیز کردن

lone            تنها

phone        صدا

tone           صدا

zone           منطقه


cot              تخته خواب

dot             نقطه

got             زمان ماضی فعل get

hot             گرم

Jot             ذره ، خرده

Lot             بسیار

not             نَه

pot             دیگ

rot              پوسیدن

sot              ساده لوح

Tot             جمع ، سرجمع


boom         غرش

doom         حکم

loom          کارگاه بافندگی

room          اتاق


boon          استدعا

loon           فرومایه

moon         ماه

soon           به زودی

+ نو

French leave: Partir, Sortir, S'en Aller, Quitter, Laisser

There are five French verbs that mean to leave: partir, s'en aller, sortir, quitter, and laisser. These all have different meanings, so how do you know which one to use? Let's find out.

Partir means to leave in a general sense - it is the opposite of arriver (to arrive). Partir is intransitive, which means that it cannot be followed by a direct object; however, it may be followed by a preposition + indefinite object (normally, the destination or point of departure):

   Nous partons jeudi
   We're leaving on Thursday

   Ils partent de Paris
   They're leaving (from) Paris

   Je suis parti pour le Québec
   I left for Québec

In addition, partir is a euphemism for death:

   Mon mari est parti
   My husband passed away

S'en aller is more or less interchangeable with partir, but it has a slightly informal nuance: to go away/off. It can also mean to retire or to die.

   Ils s'en vont à Paris
   They're going away to Paris

   Je m'en vais, salut !
   I'm off, bye!

   Va t'en !
   Go away!

   Mon père vient de s'en aller
   My father just retired (or died, depending on context)

Sortir means to go out, to get out of something, or to get something out - it is the opposite of entrer (to enter) and can be transitive or intransitive:

   Je sors ce soir
   I'm going out tonight

   Tu dois sortir de l'eau
   You have to get out of the water

   Nous allons sortir en bicyclette
   We're going out for a bike ride

   Il doit sortir la voiture du garage
   He has to get the car out of the garage

Quitter means to leave someone or something - it is transitive, meaning that it must be followed by a direct object. It often indicates a prolonged separation.

   Ils quittent la France
   They're leaving France

   Il quitte sa femme
   He's leaving his wife

The only exception to the direct object rule is when on the phone:

   Ne quittez pas
   Don't hang up

Laisser means to leave something in the sense of not taking it with/for oneself - it is transitive:

   J'ai laissé mon sac chez Luc
   I left my bag at Luc's house

   Laissez-moi du gâteau !
   Leave me some cake! (Leave some cake for me!)

Laisser can also mean to leave someone alone:

   Laissez-moi tranquille !
   Leave me alone!



Ten good reasons to learn French

    Un : Knowing French allows you not only to function but to compete effectively in the global economy.

      In Many European countries, a second language is introduced in primary school and a third language, in middle school. International job applicants who are proficient in at least two languages are at a distinct advantage in the global market. When you know French, you can be a part of communications and transactions occurring daily in French on every continent

    2 - Deux : Speaking French increases your job opportunities and salary potential.

    Knowledge of a second language is essential in over 60 occupations. Canada, officially bilingual, is on of the most important leading trading country in the world and requires labeling in English and French on all imported products. More than 1,200 French companies have subsidiaries in the U.S, and France is the largest recipient of U.S foreign investments. France is a world leader in the development of modern telecommunication, a market with explosive growth potential.

    The European Union, the second largest trading bloc in the world, recognizes French as an official language. Learn French is necessary if you work there.

    Think about the many job opportunities with airlines, import-export companies and other international businesses. French is also very useful language if you are thinking working at the United Nations (where French is the second most widely used language, after English) or for the United States Government in the Foreign Service. In the United States, when you know French, you could become a French teacher, an interpreter or a translator.

    3 - Trois : Studying French increases your appreciation of other people and their culture.

    French is the first or second language in more than 40 countries and is spoken by 125 million people around the world, on every continent. Because French is a foreign language of choice for so many people in the world, knowing French also increases your chances of communicating in a non-English speaking country. You can use French to develop international friendships, as well as to communicate via the Internet.

    4 - Quatre : French opens up an entire world of sporting events for enthusiasts.

    French is always an official language used to announce events, winners, and medals at the Olympic Games. If you live near the Quebec border, you can also follow hockey and baseball games in French. Automobiles races (Le Mans and Monte Carlo), horse racing (Longchamps), tennis tournaments (French Open) and the Tour de France (long distance bicycle race) engage fans around the globe. When you know French, the international world of sports is open to you.

    5 - Cinq : Knowing French improves your vocabulary in English.

    Some 40 to 50% of English vocabulary comes from French. The study of French also enhances your grammar skills and your increased proficiency in English greatly improves your scores. As you develop greater skills in French, you also sharpen your skills in English.

    6 - Six : Learning a new language, like French, develop your creative and thinking skills.

    It also increases your problem-solving skills and improves your memory, self-discipline and self-esteem. Because progress is very easy to measure, you can quickly take pride in your new abilities. Knowing French can help you acquire a number of important life skills.

    7 - Sept : Proficiency in French significantly improves your chances of being accepted to the university and to graduate school.

    In many scientific fields at the graduate level, most worldwide institutions require a reading knowledge of French or German in order for scholars to be able to conduct research. France continues to be a leader and innovator in science and technology. Civil engineering (the “Chunnel” between England and France) and the TGV (the world’s fastest train), aeronautics (the Ariane rocket, a Franco-European initiative), medical technologies (the isolation of the HIV virus) and telecommunications (micro-chip telephone car5ds) are just a few areas in which the French play a leadership role. Learn French can opens the doors to graduate school and to important research.

    8 - Huit : Using French enhances your travel abroad to Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa.

    France is the most visited tourist destination in the world. Paris was recently named by Fortune Magazine as one of the top ten “global cities.” When you speak French, you can be an educated tourist, ask for directions, get your own hotel room or tell a French friend about your own country.

    9 - Neuf : French is the language of culture, opening your door to art, music, dance, fashion, cuisine and cinema.

    As you quickly realize when you look at the foreign film section of your local video store. France is one of the most prolific producers of international films. The Cannes International Film Festival annually attracts the attention of the world when the best films, directors and actors are named. When you learn French, you don’t have to rely on subtitles to enjoy a French film.

    10 - Dix : French is the language of many literacy masterpieces.

    People around the world are familiar with Les Misérables , The Three Musketeers, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The little Prince and The Stranger. In fact, France has won more Nobel Prizes for literature than any other country. The French are also admired for their great philosophers as Descartes, Pascal, Rousseau, Voltaire, Camus and Sartre. When you read French, you can enjoy these works and authors in the original.






